Different Ways To Say 'Go To Hell' In Russian

avatarMille Larsen
2 mins read

In Russian, there are many colorful ways to convey strong emotions.

The phrase "go to hell" is no exception and has several Russian equivalents. It's obviously not a nice thing to say to someone, so be careful who you say these to.

How do you say "hell" in Russian?

'Hell' in Russian is Ад (ad).

Here are some of the most common:

  1. Иди в ад ("Idi v ad") – A literal translation of "go to hell."
  2. Пошёл нафиг ("Poshol nafig") – A somewhat mild version of "go away" or "get lost."
  3. Пошёл вон ("Poshol von") – Literally "go out," but used in the same dismissive tone as "go to hell."
  4. Пошёл к чёрту ("Poshol k chortu") – Directly translates to "go to the devil," and is a less offensive version.
  5. Иди куда шёл ("Idi kuda shyol") – A more colloquial way to say "go where you were going," implying the person should leave.
  6. Пошёл ты ("Poshol ty") – A curt and less specific way to dismiss someone; context adds the harshness.
  7. Иди на ("Idi na") – This is an incomplete sentence that implies an offensive or dismissive meaning. The ending is often understood and not explicitly stated.
  8. Чтоб ты сдох/ла ("chtob ti cdokh/la") - May you die.
  9. Иди в жопу ("idi b japu") - Kiss my ass.
  10. Гори в аду ("gori v adu") - Burn in hell.

Remember that context and tone are crucial when interpreting or using these Russian expressions, as some may be considered highly inappropriate in formal or polite settings.
